ON AIR With Owen: Episode 85

Introducing our 85th episode of ON AIR: With Owen – our podcast series for honest conversations about starting and scaling your own business, hosted by our Founder & CEO, Owen Richards, and his new co-host, Neil Finnie.

Meet Your Hosts: Owen Richards and Neil Finnie

Owen Richards hails from Kent and began his sales career at Forrest Marketing Group in Sydney. After an 8-year stint, Owen returned to the UK and co-founded Air Marketing Group, growing it into a powerhouse offering specialist B2B sales and marketing solutions to businesses across the globe. Known for his relentless positivity and strategic foresight, Owen brings a wealth of experience and a knack for big ideas to the podcast.

Neil Finnie is your quintessential ‘wabi-sabi entrepreneur’ – flawed but beautiful in approach. With over 25 years of experience in nurturing businesses around his passions, from co-working spaces to professional development agencies, Neil’s unique perspective enriches our discussions, making each episode a treasure trove of insights.

What to Expect in this Week’s Episode

  • Navigating Business During Illness: How do you keep the wheels turning when unexpected sickness strikes? Owen and Neil talk about the delicate balance between powering through and knowing when to take a step back to recover.
  • The Double-Edged Sword of Job Stacking: A debate on the pros and cons of job stacking and how it can affect productivity and employee loyalty.
  • Creating Inclusive Workplace Policies: The duo highlight the importance of creating inclusive and adaptable workplace policies to accommodate diverse employee needs.
  • Innovative Leave Solutions: Owen and Neil rethink traditional leave policies and explore the idea of combining sick and annual leave into a flexible, all-in-one pool. Plus, they tackle the challenges small businesses face with the concept of unlimited leave or a four-day workweek.
  • Flexibility for Unplanned Events: Hear about the importance of allowing employees to take time off at short notice for life’s unexpected moments, all while keeping business operations smooth and efficient.

Where and When to tune in

Catch new episodes every Wednesday:

Watch: On YouTube or via Air Marketing’s Knowledge Hub.

Listen: On Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn + Alexa, Deezer, and more.

Join us as we dive deep into the dynamics of running a business in today’s fast-paced world. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or practical advice, our podcast is your gateway to becoming more adept in the business arena.

Warning: Contains swearing

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