Introducing our 30th episode of ON AIR: With Owen – our latest interview video series with honest conversation about scaling revenue, hosted by our Founder & CEO, Owen Richards.
Our 30th guest is Emanuel Frauenlob, Co-Founder & CEO at Owen and Emanuel discuss ideas exploring what sales looks like at the early stage of a start-up and the challenges and opportunities they will need to navigate.
- The key moments that lead to Emanuel starting
- What things you should plan for before you start pitching your product
- How you should build out your Ideal Client Profile (ICP)
- Emanuel explains his value stick
- Small steps rather than one big step through the sales process
- The notion of pushing boundaries
- How important it is to be a hands-on Founder
- The right time to start building a team
- What you can do that doesn’t cost money to get good conversations
- How it feels to be a sales founder during those early conversations
- The basics that need before starting conversations
- The biggest challenges Emanuel has faced in the last 12 months