ON AIR With Owen: Episode 85

Introducing our 85th episode of ON AIR: With Owen – our podcast series for honest conversations about starting and scaling your own business, hosted by our Founder & CEO, Owen Richards, and his new co-host, Neil Finnie.

Meet Your Hosts: Owen Richards and Neil Finnie

Owen Richards hails from Kent and began his sales career at Forrest Marketing Group in Sydney. After an 8-year stint, Owen returned to the UK and co-founded Air Marketing Group, growing it into a powerhouse offering specialist B2B sales and marketing solutions to businesses across the globe. Known for his relentless positivity and strategic foresight, Owen brings a wealth of experience and a knack for big ideas to the podcast.

Neil Finnie is your quintessential ‘wabi-sabi entrepreneur’ – flawed but beautiful in approach. With over 25 years of experience in nurturing businesses around his passions, from co-working spaces to professional development agencies, Neil’s unique perspective enriches our discussions, making each episode a treasure trove of insights.

What to Expect in this Week’s Episode

  • Navigating Business During Illness: How do you keep the wheels turning when unexpected sickness strikes? Owen and Neil talk about the delicate balance between powering through and knowing when to take a step back to recover.
  • The Double-Edged Sword of Job Stacking: A debate on the pros and cons of job stacking and how it can affect productivity and employee loyalty.
  • Creating Inclusive Workplace Policies: The duo highlight the importance of creating inclusive and adaptable workplace policies to accommodate diverse employee needs.
  • Innovative Leave Solutions: Owen and Neil rethink traditional leave policies and explore the idea of combining sick and annual leave into a flexible, all-in-one pool. Plus, they tackle the challenges small businesses face with the concept of unlimited leave or a four-day workweek.
  • Flexibility for Unplanned Events: Hear about the importance of allowing employees to take time off at short notice for life’s unexpected moments, all while keeping business operations smooth and efficient.

Where and When to tune in

Catch new episodes every Wednesday:

Watch: On YouTube or via Air Marketing’s Knowledge Hub.

Listen: On Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn + Alexa, Deezer, and more.

Join us as we dive deep into the dynamics of running a business in today’s fast-paced world. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or practical advice, our podcast is your gateway to becoming more adept in the business arena.

Warning: Contains swearing

ON AIR With Owen: Episode 84

Introducing our 84th episode of ON AIR: With Owen – our podcast series for honest conversations about starting and scaling your own business, hosted by our Founder & CEO, Owen Richards, and his new co-host, Neil Finnie.

Meet Your Hosts: Owen Richards and Neil Finnie

Owen Richards hails from Kent and began his sales career at Forrest Marketing Group in Sydney. After an 8-year stint, Owen returned to the UK and co-founded Air Marketing Group, growing it into a powerhouse offering specialist B2B sales and marketing solutions to businesses across the globe. Known for his relentless positivity and strategic foresight, Owen brings a wealth of experience and a knack for big ideas to the podcast.

Neil Finnie is your quintessential ‘wabi-sabi entrepreneur’ – flawed but beautiful in approach. With over 25 years of experience in nurturing businesses around his passions, from co-working spaces to professional development agencies, Neil’s unique perspective enriches our discussions, making each episode a treasure trove of insights.

What to Expect in this Week’s Episode

  • Navigating business turbulence: Strategies for adapting to unforeseen challenges.
  • Owen and Neil share their go-to sources of support when business plans go awry.
  • Managing debtors: Effective strategies for resolving issues amicably for both parties.

Where and When to tune in

Catch new episodes every Wednesday:

Watch: On YouTube or via Air Marketing’s Knowledge Hub.

Listen: On Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn + Alexa, Deezer, and more.

Join us as we dive deep into the dynamics of running a business in today’s fast-paced world. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or practical advice, our podcast is your gateway to becoming more adept in the business arena.

Warning: Contains swearing

ON AIR With Owen: Episode 83

Introducing our 83rd episode of ON AIR: With Owen – our podcast series for honest conversations about starting and scaling your own business, hosted by our Founder & CEO, Owen Richards, and his new co-host, Neil Finnie.

Meet Your Hosts: Owen Richards and Neil Finnie

Owen Richards hails from Kent and began his sales career at Forrest Marketing Group in Sydney. After an 8-year stint, Owen returned to the UK and co-founded Air Marketing Group, growing it into a powerhouse offering specialist B2B sales and marketing solutions to businesses across the globe. Known for his relentless positivity and strategic foresight, Owen brings a wealth of experience and a knack for big ideas to the podcast.

Neil Finnie is your quintessential ‘wabi-sabi entrepreneur’ – flawed but beautiful in approach. With over 25 years of experience in nurturing businesses around his passions, from co-working spaces to professional development agencies, Neil’s unique perspective enriches our discussions, making each episode a treasure trove of insights.

What to Expect in this Week’s Episode

  • Hear about Neil’s recent experiences working in vibrant Barcelona with NexGen Careers.
  • It’s Air’s first wedding! Owen and Neil dive into the dynamics of workplace relationships.
  • Navigating the current market landscape: Are businesses leaning towards optimism or pessimism for the remainder of 2024?
  • Tackling the tough topic of redundancy: Truthful stories about managing workforce downsizing.

Where and When to tune in

Catch new episodes every Wednesday:

Watch: On YouTube or via Air Marketing’s Knowledge Hub.

Listen: On Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn + Alexa, Deezer, and more.

Join us as we dive deep into the dynamics of running a business in today’s fast-paced world. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or practical advice, our podcast is your gateway to becoming more adept in the business arena.

Warning: Contains swearing

ON AIR With Owen: Episode 82

We’re excited to unveil the revitalised version of the ON AIR: With Owen podcast, now with a more fluid, engaging format that resonates with the ever-evolving business landscape. “Honest Conversations: The Real Truths About Starting and Scaling Your Own Business” aims to mesh the immediacy of real-world events with timeless business wisdom. This new style is not just a change; it’s an evolution aimed at making the podcast more organic, relevant, and influenced by external factors such as politics and current affairs – elements that profoundly impact real-world business operations and strategies.

Meet Your Hosts: Owen Richards and Neil Finnie

Owen Richards hails from Kent and began his sales career at Forrest Marketing Group in Sydney. After an 8-year stint, Owen returned to the UK and co-founded Air Marketing Group, growing it into a powerhouse offering specialist B2B sales and marketing solutions to businesses across the globe. Known for his relentless positivity and strategic foresight, Owen brings a wealth of experience and a knack for big ideas to the podcast.

Neil Finnie is your quintessential ‘wabi-sabi entrepreneur’ – flawed but beautiful in approach. With over 25 years of experience in nurturing businesses around his passions, from co-working spaces to professional development agencies, Neil’s unique perspective enriches our discussions, making each episode a treasure trove of insights.

What to Expect

Listeners can anticipate a series of engaging, thought-provoking episodes where honesty meets ambition. Whether you’re a startup enthusiast or a seasoned executive, our podcast will provide valuable insights into navigating business complexities with agility and foresight.

Where and When to tune in

Catch new episodes every Wednesday:

Watch: On YouTube or via Air Marketing’s Knowledge Hub.

Listen: On Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn + Alexa, Deezer, and more.

Join us as we dive deep into the dynamics of running a business in today’s fast-paced world. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or practical advice, our podcast is your gateway to becoming more adept in the business arena.

Warning: Contains swearing

ON AIR: With Owen Episode 81 Featuring Andy McCreadie – MD, Sandler South West

Introducing our 81st episode of ON AIR: With Owen – our latest interview video series with honest conversation about scaling revenue, hosted by our Founder & CEO, Owen Richards.

Our 81st guest is Andy McCreadie, Managing Director at Sandler South West. Owen and Andy discuss the challenges that sales teams face as they grow.

– Why do salespeople fail?
– What mistakes are sales leaders making in the current environment?
– The do’s and don’ts of growing out a sales team
– The crucial shift shift every salesperson must make to start seeing results
– What sales leaders and managers should be doing to support their teams
– The important role training and coaching plays in an SDR’s development 

ON AIR: With Owen Episode 80 Featuring Arden Styles – CCO at CEGEN Environmental Group

Introducing our 80th episode of ON AIR: With Owen – our latest interview video series with honest conversation about scaling revenue, hosted by our Founder & CEO, Owen Richards.

Our 80th guest is Arden Styles, CCO at CEGEN Environmental Group. Owen and Arden have a discussion around discovering the true essence of a brand.

– What ‘brand essence’ means and why it’s important
– Real life examples of brand essence
– How brand essence can represent much more than the product you are selling
– How brand essence works in a B2B environment
– Increasing the degree of certainty: what it means and why it’s important for your clients
– How to define the essence of your brand, and at what stage it should be done
– Aligning a personal brand with an organisation’s brand, and the part digital presence plays
– The know, like, trust funnel
– The types of content a marketer should be producing to promote the essence of the brand
– Real life examples of marketing campaigns that have done this effectively

Is your sales strategy focused on your business or your customers?

The first rule of customer service is that the customer is always right. Right?


With this in mind, shouldn’t all good business strategies place the customer at the heart of the campaign? Whilst this may seem to be true, it appears companies can sometimes find themselves strategising solely on where the business can go, as opposed to what the business can also do for its customers.


In 2018, 90% of adults in the UK defined themselves as recent internet users, up from 89% in 2017 (Office of National Statistics). Due to the developments in digital media, a customer has everything at their fingertips to make a decision about you before they have even spoken to you, as this information can now be found on social media posts, peer reviews or elsewhere on the internet.  It seems that it is no longer always essential for customers to go through sales teams to make a decision on whether or not they want to invest in your product or service. It is therefore essential that when your sales team do engage with your pipeline, they are providing an outstanding experience which focuses on the customer, optimising sales and productivity.


Increasingly, marketers are implementing sales strategies which place their customers at the centre of their business plans, something which is highly recommended by Air. A study by Cap Gemini found that returning customers bring a 23% increase in profits and revenues. It also showed that returning customers spend an average 67% more than a new customer. For this reason, it is essential to create a strategy which better allows you to retain customers as well as encouraging new sales.


It is key to know as much as possible about the behaviours, needs and desires of your business’ customers. When marketers listen to this information they can complement your business strategy by creating customer-focused initiatives which will boost value and profits.


At Air we understand the importance of keeping clients happy and from our initial conversations with clients we get the ball rolling. Our first step, once they decide to go ahead and work with Air, is a strategy meeting which ensures their expert knowledge is kept at the forefront of their campaign; this meeting also enables us to present campaign concepts to reach the best solution for their objectives before we begin dialling. From the outset we want our clients to be happy, confident and informed on what we are doing for them. This level of clarity continues throughout the process, as shown by our client portal. Unique in the industry, the portal allows our clients to track their campaigns in live time providing them with the ability to watch the reactions their prospective customers are having to their products.


Transparency and engagement are essential concepts within our business strategy, as they allow us to maintain trusting relationships between ourselves and our clients. Cap Gemini found that disengaged customers cause a 13% fall in profits. At Air we foster engagement by encouraging our clients to use our office spaces as a base, or to pop in or call and chat with us as and when they feel the need to.


Our client-focused business strategy allows our business to function like a friendship, if we extend a level of familiarity to our clients they will reciprocate by continuing to work with us and in turn referring others to do so too. Receiving recommendations is a key part of our business strategy as future customers are more likely to trust a brand backed by an industry equal or someone they know.


We encourage our clients to leave us testimonials in order to reach out to their community. By allowing our current customers to have a voice and input to our brand it shows prospective clients that we value the opinion of those we work with and want to create strong relationships with them.


For us it isn’t all about the money, it is about the people. To find out more about how we engage with you, your business and your customers please contact us via phone: 0345 241 3038 or via email: contact@air-marketing.co.uk.






We’ve been shortlisted for the BESMA Awards 2018

The British Excellence in Sales Management (BESMA) Awards are an annual event held by the Institute of Sales Management. With the purpose to recognise and reward the most successful companies and individuals in the sales industry.

We’re delighted to be shortlisted amongst some of the industry’s biggest players …

This time last week #TeamAir took to the bright lights of London to present in front of the BESMA panel. We demonstrated the success we’ve achieved over the past 2 years and how this has been made possible due to the hard work, commitment and passion our team continue to exhibit.

We’ve been shortlisted for the four following categories:

Best Telesales Team

Best Sales Employer

Best Rising Star – Marco Alfano-Rogers

Best Key Account Manager – Shaun Weston

We were excited to share the presenting stage with some of the biggest names in the country, companies which include:

Yell, Gamma Telecom, McAfee, PwC, Indeed and SSE Electricity Limited.

Reflecting on our growth …

Writing the BESMA Awards have truly allowed us to reflect on how much we’ve all achieved, not only in the last year but since our inception.

Having started with a modest fund of £25,000 in 2016, we first operated out of a boardroom within someone’s office with a total of 1 employee!

Now recognised as the fastest growing companies in Exeter, in the last 12 months’ #TeamAir have grown from 11 to over 50 employees and continue to acquire an increasing number of clients, and household brand names. We are currently operating out of two offices in Exeter’s city center and are soon to be moving into a new office with 100pax capacity.

We are extremely proud of our own growth and the growth we continue to achieve for our clients’. Our success is measured by the fact our team implements telemarketing campaigns that perform at twice the industry average. This allows our clients to achieve an average return of £18 for every £1 they spend with us.

What’s next …

With a strong team driving us forward we are confident that we will continue to evolve our company and elevate business for our clients.

Our office move comes with exciting new internal structures, new areas of expertise and even more possibilities for our clients.

BESMA’s well-deserved winners will be announced on 26th October 2018. Overwhelmed by the recognition our team has already received, winning the BESMA Awards would give solidarity to our team’s loyalty and hard work. It’s safe to say #TeamAir have every finger crossed.

If you would like to find out more about Air Marketing Group and how we can help you achieve your business goals visit our website: air-marketing.co.uk or call us on: 03332505686