CALLING MASTERS | Pitch The Panel – Live!


Struggling to hit quota? Feeling frustrated with missed sales? Calling Masters will equip you with the skills and strategies to dramatically raise your cold calling game.

In this sixth, and final, episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re putting your cold calling skills to the test! Four brave sales reps dialled into the webinar and pitched live to our expert panel, where they received instant, personalised feedback. Tune in and pick up game-changing cold calling tips by witnessing the participants’ techniques and the panel’s feedback.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy

Gracie-May Bryan – Campaign Operations Manager at Air Marketing

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Final Hurdle: The Art of Closing


Consistently getting to the decision-maker, crafting a perfect pitch – but struggling to secure the deal?

In this fifth episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re exploring how to turn your successful cold calls into closed deals. We’ll equip you with the essential skills and strategies to confidently navigate objections and guide prospects towards a positive decision.

You’ll learn:

  • Mastering Objections: Discover effective techniques to overcome common objections and keep the conversation moving forward.
  • Building Value & Urgency: Learn how to highlight the value proposition of your offering and create a sense of urgency to act.
  • The Art of the Close: Explore different closing techniques and identify the ones that best suit your calling style.
  • Leaving the Door Open: Learn how to gracefully navigate a “no” while leaving the door open for future opportunities.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy
Amy Cooke – Head of Sales US at Lead Forensics 

Alex Burgess – Account Director at Air Marketing

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Pitch Perfect: Taking Your Prospect on a Journey


Feeling like your cold calls are missing the mark? Struggling to engage prospects and leave a lasting impression?

In this fourth episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re exploring the art of the perfect pitch. We’ll equip you with the skills to craft a compelling narrative and guide your prospect towards a positive outcome.

You’ll learn:

  • Hook ‘Em from the Start: Master the art of crafting captivating introductions that grab attention and break the ice.
  • The Power of Storytelling: Discover how to weave a compelling narrative that resonates with your prospect’s needs and challenges.
  • Building Value Throughout the Call: Learn how to highlight the benefits of your offering in a way that’s tailored to each prospect.
  • A Smooth Landing: Master the art of transitioning from a captivating pitch to a clear call to action.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy
Tom Happé – CEO and Founder at Trueleads

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | First Impressions: How to Engage on a Cold Call


Struggling to make a strong impact on calls with your prospects?

In this third episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’ll equip you with the skills to craft powerful first impressions that turn cold calls into warm conversations.

You’ll learn:

  • How to bypass gatekeepers with powerful introductions that grab attention.
  • How to craft a personalized pitch that resonates with each prospect.
  • How to develop confident communication skills that instill trust and command attention.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Maria Vanezi – Director at Ezicomms Marketing
Gracie-May Bryan – Campaign Operations Manager at Air Marketing

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Getting Connected: How to Improve Contact Rates


Struggling to connect with decision-makers on cold calls? Spending hours leaving voicemails that never get returned?

If your skills need sharpening on bypassing gatekeepers, leaving compelling voicemails and connecting with real people, then this webinar is for you.

In this second episode of our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re discussing the key elements of getting connected with your prospects, so you can dramatically improve your contact rates.

You’ll learn:

  • How to identify and navigate common gatekeeper tactics to reach decision-makers directly.
  • How to support phone calls with multi-channel messages and the importance of personalization.
  • The importance of Active Listening and how you can use it to your advantage in the early stages of the call.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Erik Pollitt – Training Consultant at Air Sales Academy
Amy Cooke – Global Development Director at Lead Forensics

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

CALLING MASTERS | Pre-Call Research: How to Prep


Tired of wasting time on unqualified leads and getting stuck in voicemail jail?

If you want to increase your closing rate over the phone, you need to understand who you’re selling to. 

In this webinar, the first in our Calling Masters series in partnership with Lead Forensics, we’re discussing the key elements of pre-call preparation to ensure that you’ve packed out your cold call toolbox.

You’ll learn:

  • How to quickly gather relevant knowledge about your prospect’s business, their specific needs, and the key players you need to connect with.
  • Which essential tools will help inform your approach during your call to the prospect.
  • How to apply the information you find during your research on the cold call and ensure your sales success.

Our panel features:
Marco Alfano-Rogers – Sales Director at Air Marketing
Fran Hall – Account Director at Air Marketing
Jamie Beaumont – CEO and Founder of Playter

Joe Duccarreaux – Brand Awareness Manager at Lead Forensics

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

Uniting Experts: All You Need to Know About Using Data in Outbound Sales

In the evolving sales landscape, data has become the linchpin of outbound strategies. But how do we navigate the complexities of using data to boost our contact rates and sales figures?

In this live roundtable, we’re bringing together the leading minds from all major data providers for an exclusive discussion to provide industry insights and answer your burning questions.

Our cracking panel features:
James Isilay – CEO at Cognism
Saif Khan – Director of Sales at ZoomInfo
Liz Fulham – Founder & CEO at TAMI
Paul Gilhooly – VP of Sales at 6sense

Owen Richards – Founder & CEO of Air Marketing

Key discussion points:
– Most common myths/misunderstood elements of using/procuring data for outbound sales
– Innovative strategies to increase contact rate
– What data is best to use, and how to use it to its full potential to target the right prospects at the right time and through the right channels
– Intent data – How is this evolving and how data can help customers to be more relevant
– How data providers ensure data accuracy for their customers
– The strategic role accurate data plays to improve the quality of pipeline
– The major developments in the data industry the last 12-18 months
– Data providers future plans to evolve their solutions and make prospecting more effective for sales professionals

Who is it for?
Founders & CEOs
Sales & Marketing Leaders
Revenue Leaders
Sales & Marketing Managers
Sales Development Representatives (SDRs)
Business Development Representatives (BDRs)

This roundtable presents a unique opportunity to engage with the best in the industry and come away with knowledge that will place you at the forefront of outbound sales success. Whether you’re in sales, marketing, or business development, understanding how to harness data will give you a competitive edge.

10 Key Ways to Optimise your Outbound Sales Engine

Outbound sales remain a vital component of a company’s sales strategy. Or at least it should be. Research conducted in 2019 highlighted that 41.2% of respondents found the humble telephone to be the most effective sales tool at their disposal. Outbound sales drove 55% of leads compared with 27% generated by inbound. That’s a pretty compelling statistic!

But can you supercharge your results further
by changing some aspects of your approach, to close any gaps in your outbound
sales strategy and delivery plan. With all elements working harmoniously you will
see a surge in the quality and quantity of leads in your pipeline.

We’re experienced in helping our clients maximise
their outbound sales strategy. In our experience, it takes an initial time-investment,
expertise and consistent approach to get your outbound sales engine firing on
all cylinders.

Here’s our rundown of the 10 key ways
you can optimise outbound and how to bridge the gaps:

  1. Get your CRM working – Tough questions require honest answers: Is your CRM fit for purpose when it comes to being an outbound sales engine? Can your sales team work quickly but effectively with it? Does it lack the capability to deliver the data insights you need? This is a vital component in your outbound sales process, if your team find your CRM clunky and the UX poor they simply won’t use it. Without proper database management, it’s difficult to optimise campaigns and impossible to build a validated pipeline of valuable leads. This is why you need to get your CRM working for you, it’s the foundation of your campaign’s success.

    Many of our clients utilise our custom built CRM which has been specifically developed to optimise our outbound sales engine. We do also work within our clients CRMs when relevant, providing we can see that the platform will give clients a clear view of their data, their prospects and the entire journey throughout the life of a campaign.

  2. Reporting – Do you have access to the reports and insights you need to optimise outbound sales? Reporting should give you as close to a real-time view of a campaign as possible. It should help you quickly pinpoint what’s working and what needs to change. If you’re not in a position to do that, how do you know if your campaign is going well? When using our bespoke CRM, we provide detailed reporting to our clients through our client portal so they can get a speedy pulse-check and a transparent view of progress. Our ongoing reporting uses those insights to adapt and evolve our approach to achieve success.
  3. Call recordings – These provide a vital insight into how customer conversations are progressing, whether messaging is working or needs review. Do you have access to recordings? If you have, do you have the time to listen to them and do you know what to listen for? Listening back to calls is vital in any campaign, it helps you get a sense of a typical conversations, how prospects are engaging with your messaging and whether or not you need to change your script or approach. We have a thorough review and feedback process to ensure consistent improvement. You’ll never get a lead that the call hasn’t been listened to by one of our team first.
  4. Call backs – Having an agreed process for how calls are handled and logged ensures that you are efficient with opportunities and your prospect is getting a smooth experience. You need complete visibility of the most recent point of contact to create a seamless journey to sale. It’s worth the time investment of mapping this process out thoroughly and sharing with your team. This comes back to your CRM, does this have the functionality to seamlessly manage this?
  5. Data tells a story – We use it to find patterns that we can leverage for success, the best of time of day to call, the most successful approach to take with gatekeepers to reach the decision maker expediently plus many more trends can be found from the data. We work with our clients to build that picture and use it to best effect. Again, this is a worthy time investment that will really pay off in the long-term. Ideally, you will have an individual within your team who is able to analyse, process and make recommendations based on the data presented. We know that not every in-house team can have an individual focused on data but making it a priority for your campaign means somebody needs to understand and own this. We have a Data Analyst within our team who is solely focused on optimising client campaigns by utilising data.
  6. Learning and Development – Continual training and support helps sales teams realise their potential and is proven to enhance performance. Do you have a training plan for your sales team? Do you have the tools or partners who will really add value to this training? Research shows that learning and development can really boost sales team performance, with sales training improving win-rate by 15.4%. This is a huge focus for our team, we invest in our sales teams, championing their professional development and supporting them to learn and grow and deliver stellar work across all client accounts.
  7. QA (Quality Assurance) matters – A quality prospect experience, smooths the path to conversions. By optimising your QA processes you’re ensuring a better experience for every future prospect, protecting your brand and building insights to optimise future conversations and future campaigns. We work closely with clients to assure quality of all sales conversation and follow-up process. We ensure their brand is represented in line with their tone and values and their outbound campaigns actively build brand and reputation in new markets.
  8. Scripts that help conversation flow – In our experience, scripts need to rigid enough to effectively communicate the brand and pitch but not so rigid that they stem the flow conversation. Try to be professional but conversational in tone, if you wouldn’t naturally talk a certain way, don’t put it in your script. Prospects are people and will respond far better to a thought-provoking and engaging chat than a list of quick-fire discovery questions. We create scripts for our clients that communicate their brand and service and build the relationships that lead to future opportunities.
  9. Objection handling – How you handle objections is a valuable brand building activity. Doing it well takes training and experience. If you’ve never tackled it before, try to map out some common challenges and listen to calls to find specific ones; then work on your responses and agree your approach so everyone in your sales team is on the same page. For us, it’s woven into our FAQs and provides another opportunity to progress a conversation towards a sale.
  10. Competitor analysis – We’re keen advocates of competitor analysis because by looking at what your competitors do well, helps you contextualize your own value proposition, strengths and weaknesses. When refining and honing your messages to the market, this information is absolute gold. Getting started doesn’t have to be onerous, take a couple of hours to start putting together your insights, even something high-level can prove a useful document, but make sure you use it to inform your campaign strategy. If you’re not sure where to take it next, we can help. We use our clients’ insights from competitor analysis to develop a strategy that accelerates their success and helps them differentiate themselves in a crowded market.

Developing and honing your outbound sales
approach is no easy feat and when you’re busy with the daily running of your
business. It can be tough to find the time, headspace and the right group of
people in-house to make sure your efforts are coordinated, consistent and
optimised for results. This is where we can help you bridge the gap. We’re
experts in outsourced sales, helping startups to household names to achieve
their sales goals and reach new markets.

If you want to supercharge your outbound strategy and accelerate your sales success going into 2021, get in touch today and we’ll guide you through the process: call 0333 250 3217 or email